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Emilia Gudowski

Life Stories

Beloved Mother

Born: 05/15/1927
Died: 12/21/2024 in Hamilton, Ontario
Interred: Holy Sepulchre Burlington

Born in Jankowicze, Poland, our beloved mother died peacefully at home at the age of 97.

Mama lived a long life that began with many hardships at an early age. She lost her mother at age 12 and took on the responsibility of caring for her father and three brothers during World War II. In 1939, Germany along with Russia attacked Poland and Emilia’s birthplace became occupied by the Germans. As a result of the activity of the Polish underground in the vast Naliboki Wilderness, Emilia and thousands of others were transported by cattle rail card to German labor camps. When the war ended, Emilia’s family ended up in Displaced Persons Camps. Since the 1945 Yalta Agreement between the allies gave the land where Emilia was born to the Soviet Union, nearly no one returned to their homeland. Emilia emigrated to London ON along with her best girlfriend where she married Czeslaw. Emilia worked on the tobacco farms, in chicken hatcheries, as a seamstress for the Eatons and eventually in the cafeteria and housekeeping departments of St. Josephs Hospital in Hamilton, Ontario. Beloved wife of the late Czeslaw Gudowski.

Mama was the heart of our home and family. At the age of 45 she became a widow and was left to raise three children on her own. Emilia was a long-standing member of the Holy Rosary Society of St. Stanislaus Church. A devoted Catholic whose faith gave her strength in her aging years. A mother of 3, a grandmother of 8, and a great grandmother of 6. She will be remembered for her warmth, kindness , courage and determination. You will always be forever in our hearts.