Noah Paul Gaudet

Son, Brother, Grandson, Great Grandson, Cousin, Friend
Born: February 27, 2002
Died: June 7, 2004 in Brantford, Ontario
Interred: Holy Cross, Brantford
Son & Dear Friend Gone Far Too Soon To Believe,
A Loving Caring Boy Too Soon He Did So Leave,
We Miss Him So Much, Through our Life, Him We’ll Grieve
Never Thought Losing A Loved One Would Hurt So Much,
To Not Hold His Hand, Kiss His Cheeks & Curls to Touch.
If Only Had the Chance to Relive, Redo, His Life Once More,
After Such Pain, We’d Never Let Through Heaven’s Door.
So Hard it Was To Lay Him to Rest His Soul Gone To Blue Skies,
With Stars He Shines, With Rain Down Pour of Forever Goodbyes
We’ll Remember You As You Were so Loved So Sweet So Caring,
Overwhelming Pain, Sad Depression We’ll to Death Be Wearing.
For Everyday As You’re Gone With Every Day, Nights and Years,
Missed So Much, Never Will We Stop Over Flowing of Our Tears.
If Scared of Death, Are Now Gone Pending Sad Gone Are Fears.
We Love You We Miss You Our Boy So Young Remembered Too,
If Only Available, We’d Walk Or Fly Right Up To the Gates For You.
We’ll Smile With the Sun And Cry With Every Drop of Rain,
Because Memories Too Strong Along With Sad Feel of Pain.
Always So Generous, You Put All First & Yourself Last.
No Greed, A Boy So Seldom Found, To Lose You Will Take A Lifetime
And Only Then Pray We Make it To Meet At Heaven’s Gate One Day.
So Much We’ll Have To Offer & So Much We’ll Also Have To Say.
When Thinking of You, an Angel, Playing With Other Angels Lost and As Special As You Too. You’re Not Alone, We’re With You Too. We Pray & Talk To You Every Single Day, Wishing You Could’ve Been Able To Stay. Love You Always and Forever Baby Boy, Miss You More Than Words Can Show or Ever Say. Love xox